Types of chemical reactions | DIY Chemistry Experiments
Types of chemical reactions | DIY Chemistry Experiments
Mix chemicals and perform experiments to understand types of chemical reactions:
Displacement reactions
Redox reactions (Blue bottle experiment)
Exothermic and Endothermic reaction
Mix and Match and make them React!
Unknowingly, we are the causers and viewers of many complex chemical reactions on a daily basis: chemical reactions in our brains, digestion in our stomach, and then the rusting of buildings, the photosynthesis in plants, the burning of fuel – the list could be endless!
Yet no matter what the reaction, they all come under one category or the other. To understand this vast number of reactions, the first step is to understand their types. Butterfly Fields facilitates this understanding with its easy-to-use, implementable and practical Chemical Reactions and Equations kit.
With this kit, your child will soon be able to understand:
How exothermic reactions work: Exothermic reactions release heat, and by allowing a reaction between citric acid and white-powder, your child will not only produce an exothermic reaction, but witness it and understand its functioning and chemical reaction.
How endothermic reactions work: Endothermic reactions absorb heat; in this example your child will use baking soda, water and citric acid to observe its reaction and thus fully understand how an endothermic reaction works.
How Redox reactions work: Redox reactions cause simultaneous oxidation and reduction, and by performing the Blue Bottle experiment, your child will understand how a redox reaction works in simple detail.
How Displacement reactions work: This type of chemical reaction is made simple by using various sulphates, iron and copper, understand a variety of displacement reactions’ working by implementing them firsthand.
By using the necessary precautions of gloves and of course, care, this experiment can enhance your child’s sense of accomplishment, appreciation of the science around them, and produce a longer attention span!